The Maine Aquaculture Association’s board of directors is designed to represent Maine’s diverse aquaculture sector, and includes members who own, operate, and are employed by commercial shellfish, fin fish, and sea vegetable farms that use diverse growing methods throughout the state. The board represents small, medium, and large companies that operate on LPAs as well as experimental and standard leases in state waters, in addition to land-based operations and supporting companies that supply goods and services to the sector.
The role of the board of directors is to guide the association’s work by bringing diverse perspectives from the grower community to the table. The board votes to determine MAA’s positions on various legislative bills, membership dues, approval of meeting minutes, and elects new members to the board. Each company is entitled to a single vote, but in some cases board seats are shared by two individuals from the same company who must vote together.
Get in Touch
Anyone working in Maine’s aquaculture sector should feel free to contact members of the board to ask questions, raise concerns, and share input with the MAA. A full list of our board of directors is below.
Cooke Aquaculture
Fin fish operations
Muscongus Bay Aquaculture
Shellfish hatcheries
Shared seat w/ Jeff Auger
Dodge Cove Marine Farm
Shellfish hatcheries
Shared seat w/ Nellie Brylewski
Pemaquid Oyster Co.
Bottom culture oyster farms
Hollander & de Koning
Bottom culture mussel farms
Nauti Sister Sea Farm
LPA Holders
Cooke Aquaculture
Ocean-based finfish
Nautical Farms
Shared Seat with Jacob Patryn
Represents: Kelp Farms
Nautical Farms
Shared Seat with Morgan-Lea Fogg
Represents: Kelp Farms