Occupational Standards for Maine Aquaculture Training Providers
10/19/21 – The Maine Aquaculture Association has released the first Maine Aquaculture Occupational Standards, which specify the current workforce skills and training needs of Maine’s aquaculture sector. Altogether, four standards have been released, focusing on occupations related to (1) Marine Shellfish and Sea Vegetables; (2) Marine Finfish; (3) Land-Based RAS; and (4) Land-Based Shellfish Hatcheries. A supplementary document, the Maine Shellfish Aquaculture Career Pathways Map, is designed to provide an overview of the most common job types, entry points, and career pathway opportunities in Maine’s shellfish aquaculture sector today.
The occupational standards, completed in collaboration with the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Educate Maine, and with support from FocusMaine, are intended to present education and training providers with a clear and comprehensive understanding of the specific technical skills and knowledge that are critical for the most common careers in each sector, standardize workforce training in the state, and establish an industry-led process to align training with workforce needs as the industry, and workforce needs, evolve.
Christian Brayden
Project Manager
[email protected]
Resources for Elementary, Middle & High School Educators
Raising the next generation of sea farmers starts with education. We’ve gathered some of our favorite educational videos, books, lesson plans, activities and other resources here to help educators develop fun and engaging aquaculture content for their students. We hope this page is helpful to anyone who wants to bring aquaculture into the classroom. If you’re interested in having a member of our team come and speak to your class, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We never say no!
Virtual Games

Virtual Field Trips to Maine Aquaculture Facilities
Embark on a journey and explore the exciting world of Maine’s aquaculture industry with the Maine 4-H Aquaculture Education team’s Virtual Field Trips (VFTs). Our immersive experiences allow learners to virtually step inside aquaculture facilities, bringing them face-to-face with the fascinating processes of sustainable aquaculture. From the comfort of a browser or through the lens of virtual reality tools, these engaging excursions provide a unique opportunity to connect with industry experts, witness cutting-edge technologies, and gain a deep understanding of the vital role aquaculture plays in Maine’s food systems. Best of all, these virtual field trips are accessible at no cost, breaking down geographical barriers and making hands-on learning a reality for all. To preview or register for a virtual field trip, visit the official website here.
Aquaculture Books
Watch zoom recordings of Oyster Annie reading two children’s books about aquaculture:
Annie reads “Farming on the Sea” about oyster farming
Annie reads “The Farm on the Sea” about salmon farming
Lesson Plans & Activities
Global Aquaculture Alliance Educational Resources
Maine Agriculture in the Classroom Agricultural Literacy Curriculum Matrix (search “aquaculture”)
Maine Sea Grant Education Program
Seafood Watch Educator Resources